Baks Logistiek acquires De Transportbrug and De Cleanburg
YES Corporate Finance (“YES CF”) has successfully advised the major shareholder and the management of Baks Logistiek B.V. (“Baks”) on the acquisition of De Transportbrug and De Cleanbrug, as well as raising the acquisition financing.
About Baks Groep
Baks Groep consists of seven companies that focus on the production, sale and transport of food for humans and animals. Baks Logistiek, the acquiring entity, is a modern and dynamic (inter)national transport company, specialising in tank transport of liquid food for humans and animals, and renewable energy. The organization focuses on quality and reliability, carried out mainly by local drivers and equipped with specific state-of-the-art assets. The geographical focus is Benelux, Germany, Denmark and France. Baks Logistiek has its head office in Borculo, where it has its own workshop for the maintenance of its trucks and trailers. In addition to Borculo, Baks Logistiek has locations in Someren, Bunnik, Heerenveen, Ankum (Germany) and Koekelare (Belgium). For more information: Website Baks.
About De Transportbrug and De Cleanbrug
De Transportbrug is a Dutch family business founded by brothers Erik and Marein van de Brug. They grew up in the transport sector from an early age. The passion for transport has always been there, so the brothers founded De Transportbrug B.V. in 2004. The company’s business activities consist of tank transport of liquids for Oleo (oils and fats (non-food)), Feed and technical industry (no ADR/no Food) for customers within Europe. The business activities of De Cleanbrug consist of washing and maintaining vehicles and containers, partly for De Transportbrug B.V., but mainly for third parties. For more information see the Facebook page: Facebook page De Transportbrug.
Role YES Corporate Finance
YES CF guided and supported the major shareholder and the management of Baks Logistiek in the conversations with De Transportbrug and in the further elaboration of agreements and conditions, resulting in the acquisition of De Transportbrug. YES CF also assisted in preparing, raising and negotiating the acquisition financing that was arranged with the bank. The activities carried out by YES CF include:
Acquisition process:
- Valuing De Transportbrug and De Cleanbrug as well as advising on the takeover bid
- Drafting a letter for the non-binding (indicative) offer
- Supervising the due diligence process
- Negotiating the transaction structure with the seller
- Negotiate price and terms (including the Letter of Intent and the share purchase agreement (SPA))
Financing process:
- Drawing up a financial forecast model (P&L, balance sheet, cash flow), including a consolidated integration model (Merger model) of Baks Groep, De Transportbrug and De Cleanbrug
- Drawing up a financing memorandum for the benefit of the bank
- Conducting discussions and negotiations with various banks
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